Dear Friends
We cannot thank you enough for the gifts, cards and messages of support that you have been sending to our family and the staff. We have found these very comforting at such a traumatic time. As promised we wish to confirm to you the events that will take place during the course of next week to celebrate Dad’s life and to enable you to pay your respects to him.
Saturday 13th June
Anyone who so wishes will be able to visit Barry lying in our chapel of rest at Culling Road between 9am and 1pm.
Wednesday 17th June
A mass will take place at St Georges Cathedral, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HY.
The service will be conducted by archbishop Peter Smith and will commence at 6pm.
Saturday 20th June
Barry’s funeral service will take place at The Most Holy Trinity Church, Dockhead, London SE1 2BS.
The service will be conducted by Canon Alan McLean and will commence at 11.30am.
In view of the large number of people who will be attending, seating inside the church cannot be guaranteed.
We will therefore ensure that the service can be viewed from outside the church on screens.
The funeral cortege will leave from Culling Road at 9.30am and will follow a designated route around Bermondsey. The cortege will stop at “The Blue” at 10.30am where a special tribute to Barry will take place. The route will be published in the Southwark News next week and will be displayed on the F A Albin website.
Following the service a private burial ceremony will take place. Barry will be finally laid to rest at peace in the Albin memorial garden.
Love to you all
Simon & Jon